A Brief History of GEO


This is the website of GEO in London, one of several study abroad centres operated by GEO. GEO (Global Education Oregon) is the University of Oregon campus study abroad office and a national U.S. study abroad programme provider with sites all over the world.

Before GEO, we were the AHA International London Centre. The ‘American Heritage Association’ was formed in 1957 with the aim of educating young Americans in their own history as part of their university degree. As time went on, international travel and education became more popular and so the company branched-out and eventually replaced existing US-based courses with study abroad programmes. And so, it was renamed AHA International, now offering experiential learning all over the world. Sometime later AHA became affiliated with the University of Oregon, and for a number of years AHA ran parallel with the U of O’s study abroad office. In spring 2015 the two companies merged to become Global Education Oregon.

Global Education Oregon currently offers more than 150 programmes on five continents during the academic year and summer. At present, programme length varies from two-and-a-half to 19 weeks (including fall and spring semester, fall and spring quarter, January term, and summer options). Many of the programmes take place in locations off the beaten path, maximizing cultural immersion and ensuring that students never feel like tourists. GEO programmes span a wide range of models, including single location and multi-site opportunities, classroom and integrated excursion-based learning, and field schools. GEO designs programmes that permit students to satisfy general education, major-specific, and elective credits. Placements in meaningful and mutually beneficial service learning projects and internships are also open to students from a wide variety of majors.

GEO in London is just one of these sites, but is certainly one of the most popular! Browse this website to find out a bit more.

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